Spyro and Crash for £20, plus more PS4 and Xbox games deals

Cheer yourself up on this rain-drenched Monday with this raft of Xbox One and PlayStation 4 games deals. Titles vast, tiny and filled with evil spider ladies are all included. Let's take a look.
First up, we have the Spyro Reignited trilogy for around £20, namely £20.85 on PlayStation 4 at Base or £19.99 on Xbox One at Smyths Toys. Having spent the bulk of my childhood locked into the whimsical adventures of the purple dragon, I can't recommend this trilogy enough.
From the same swirling pit of nostalgia, we also have the Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, which is down to a not-too-shabby £20.99 at Amazon on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Fans of all things Japan may also enjoy bloodthirsty action-adventure Nioh for its lowest price of £13.99, and beautiful Studio Ghibli-style RPG Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant for £11.85. In addition, gorgeous painted adventure Okami HD has been reduced to under a tenner on Xbox One and to £12.87 on PS4.

Do keep an eye out for bargains at Base generally; there have been a lot of discounts that way in recent times and they appear to be setting up regular price matches with Amazon to boot!
How ever many games you buy, make sure you have enough space to keep your library alive with our Xbox One and PlayStation 4 hard drive guides.